Donations from devotees are the sustenance of every temple. From daily Annadanam to Temple renovations to charitable activities, many opportunities to aid activates of our temple are listed.
Lord Parasurama, who as per his Sabath (vow) killed Kshathriya Kings of 21
generations that he should get rid of the greatest sin he has done by killing
humanbeings. As a prayaschitha (remedy to earlier actions) he decided to
rescue some land from the sea and donate to the Brahmins. After retrieving the
land he constructed 108 Siva temples, 108 Devi temples, 5 Sastha temples and
some Vishnu temples in this holy land for the purpose of worshiping Deities by
the people of this region. Then to achieve liberation from this worldly
connection he started a penance in that holy land.